Model Design
The Three Needs
We designed COREworks to tackle three basic needs for accelerating local earth care.
The need to re-engage local citizens as agents of change
The need to secure funding for local green projects, and
The need to amplify positive impact by reaching additional communities.
To address these needs, our model functions as a wholistic “3M” innovation, like a “3-in-1” tool.
A method for engaging more people in conservation learning and action, via
A mechanism (the marketplace) for funding that work, and thus
A model for accelerating the green economy among other self-reliant communities.
Education Method
COREworks conducts its activities in ways that invite many people into the process. Encouraging broad-scale participation is not accidental: it is part of our educational strategy. Engaging our neighbors throughout the commerce and project processes is how we build support and action for a common, sustainable future. It’s how we learn and thrive, together.
Our participatory method actively connects people to COREworks through multiple routes and roles. Many enter the COREworks world by securing personal offsets through the marketplace or by making direct impact donations. Others step into the conversation as project hosts and/or beneficiaries, or by learning about our work through social media. Still more serve as volunteer tree planters, community reviewers, and more. The participatory element is a fundamental element of all COREworks-funded projects.
The “green for all” values that are fundamental to our work also ensure these opportunities extend and indeed favor those traditionally left out of green conversations and actions. Mutually reinforcing one another, our learning methods result in:
A more diverse, inclusive, informed, and active citizenry
Increased interest, understanding, and support for the local green economy
Stronger, more just and healthy communities
Financial Mechanism
The COREworks marketplace secures funds for launching future projects through its donative model. The marketplace lists verified projects generating offsets available for allocation upon ton-for-ton donations of equivalent value. Donors may also make direct impact contributions of any size. All donations go to the COREworks Fund, which in turn provides capital for upcoming projects, thus generating future income.
The COREworks marketplace advertises current project inventory and offset values and solicits corresponding donations to the COREworks Fund. Following industry standards, COREworks quantifies offset values as metric ton carbon dioxide emissions equivalent (MTCO2eq) prevented or sequestered. Offset values reflect a substantial portion of actual project implementation cost and are standardized across all verified projects.
An initiative of an established non-profit organization, (Boxerwood Education Association), COREworks does not sell offsets for purchase as in commercial voluntary carbon offset exchanges. To avoid double counting and other complications, COREworks retains ownership of all offsets generated by its listed projects and instead solicits individual and corporate donations equivalent to their value. Offsets allocated to donors making ton-for-ton contributions are retired (removed) from active inventory, in effect rendering those allocations exclusive to the donor and permanent. Donors acknowledge no goods or services have been directly exchanged as part of their donation process.
COREworks redirects 100% of marketplace donations to the COREworks Fund, an internal reserve which in turn provides capital for launching the next approved project. This re-seeding process ensures a steady flow of funding for an ever-expanding and impactful portfolio of projects, i.e. multiple cycles of good. COREworks committed to the 100% reinvestment rate to inspire donors and accelerate earth care locally.
COREworks does not apply marketplace donations to its own internal operations. It secures funding for administrative needs through foundations, sponsors, and from Boxerwood Education Association (BEA), which manages COREworks as a BEA-initiative. BEA is an established 501 (c) (3) not for profit organization.
COREworks is a practical tool for greening the local economy, but at heart, it’s so much more. From its start to its flourishing, COREworks is the expression of human creativity: a story of people coming together to make a difference right where they live.